Bread & Butter Pudding

Indulge in the comforting and timeless delight of Bread and Butter Pudding. This classic dessert combines humble ingredients like stale bread, butter, and a rich custard to create a warm and satisfying treat that’s perfect for any occasion. Follow this simple recipe to bring a taste of nostalgia to your table, and savour the delightful blend of creamy custard, crisp edges, and a hint of sweetness. It’s a dessert that will warm your heart and please your taste buds.


  • 6 slices of bread (stale bread works best)
  • 30g softened butter
  • 30g raisins or sultanas (optional)
  • 450ml whole milk
  • 100g of Langage Farm Clotted Cream
  • 150g granulated sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 5ml (1 teaspoon) vanilla extract
  • 2.5ml (1/2 teaspoon) ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Pinch of nutmeg (optional)
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Preheat the oven: Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) or Gas Mark 4.

  2. Butter the bread: Spread the softened butter on one side of each bread slice. Make sure to cover the entire surface.

  3. Arrange the bread: Cut each buttered bread slice diagonally into triangles. Arrange half of the bread triangles, buttered side up, in a greased baking dish. If you’re using raisins or sultanas, sprinkle half of them over the bread.

  4. Add the remaining bread: Place the remaining bread triangles on top of the first layer, creating a sort of bread sandwich. If using raisins or sultanas, sprinkle the rest of them over this layer.

  5. Prepare the custard: In a saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it’s steaming but not boiling. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, clotted cream, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon (if using), nutmeg (if using), and a pinch of salt.

  6. Combine the custard: Slowly pour the hot milk into the egg mixture, whisking continuously to avoid curdling. This will create a smooth custard.

  7. Pour the custard: Carefully pour the custard mixture evenly over the bread slices, making sure all the bread is soaked. Gently press down on the bread to ensure it absorbs the custard.

  8. Let it sit: Allow the pudding to sit for about 15-20 minutes, allowing the bread to absorb the custard further.

  9. Bake: Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes or until the pudding is set and the top is golden brown.

  10. Serve: Remove the bread and butter pudding from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes. It’s best served warm. You can dust the top with powdered sugar or drizzle with custard or cream, if desired.

Homemade Bread and Butter Pudding! It’s a comforting and classic dessert that’s perfect for any occasion.