Clotted Cream Truffles

Super easy, super quick…and SUPER tasty!

Melt 200g of best-quality dark chocolate in a bain marie. You can add a dash of liqueur (Cointreau works well) if you like, at this stage.

Remove from the heat and stir in 230g of Langage Farm Clotted Cream. Chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

Sprinkle 50g cocoa powder onto a clean plate or tray.

Remove the truffle mixture from the fridge, and scoop out evenly sized amounts. Shape them between your palms, then drop into the cocoa powder and roll to cover. You can also roll in melted chocolate too for a bit of extra indulgence.

Keep in the fridge until you’re ready to eat them…just see how long you can resist them!
