Torpoint Students visit Langage Farm

Year 10 GCSE Catering Langage Farm Trip

As part of the GCSE Catering coursework; ‘Dairy as a useful commodity to the chef’, year 10 students visited Langage Farm, on the outskirts of Lee Mill, to get a real taste of dairy!!

Students were given a detailed presentation by our staff on the operations of the farm as well as the importance of the dairy industry within Devon and the UK. They were then given a guided tour of the factory where clotted cream, yogurt, ice cream, frozen yogurt and curd cheese were being made. Students then gained hands on experience as they were able to have a go at using some of the machinery used to deposit frozen yogurt into tubs.

Students then had a taste testing session of all the different products that Langage Farm produce and were even shown how the products could be used in a range of different dishes which has helped inspire the students with coming up with a menu for their practical exam after May half term.

A fun and rewarding day was had by all.