Simple Scones!

A simple, but delicious scone recipe for 20 large Buttermilk scones. The secret of good scones is not to handle them too much before baking, and to make the mixture on the wet, sticky side. Either eat scones on the day of making, with a big dollop of Clotted Cream, or freeze once they have cooled

1kg Strong Plain flour
375ml Buttermilk
375ml Natural yogurt
125gm Unsalted butter
125gm Milk powder
125gm Caster sugar
75gm Baking powder
Egg to glaze

Preheat the oven to 190◦c, Gas Mark 5 or 175◦c for a fan-assisted oven
Rub the butter into the dry ingredients until it resembles a breadcrumb like texture
Gently add the buttermilk/natural yogurt and work the mixture into a soft dough, without overworking the dough as it’ll become tough
Roll out gently to 1 and a half inches thick and cut with a straight cutter
Glaze with beaten egg and bake for 15-20 minutes until well risen and golden brown.

Serve with luxury Langage Farm real Devon Clotted Cream, cream first, and topped with a dollop of your favourite jam!

