London to Paris bike ride for charity

24th April 2016 – Paul and Jan are continually practising to ensure they will be able to complete their bike ride challenge in July.  Please help them by donating on their Local Giving page here.

PAUL & JAN 24 APR web


Our Managing Director Paul Winterton and his wife Jan are still determined to complete their bike ride challenge in July.  They have both signed up for an incredible 299 miles bike ride from London to Paris.  Currently they are training a few evenings a week, doing 18 miles at a time.

We need to help encourage them to keep up the good work and continue their training.

Paul and Jan are very committed and hope to raise in excess of £3,000 for the amazing charity Jeremiah’s Journey.

Please help them by showing your support and donating on their Local Giving page here . All donations, no matter how small will help, remember it’s all for a great cause.