Flavour Find……winner!

Votes have been counted and we have a winner………Joshua’s Sticky Toffee Apple frozen yogurt.

The three top flavours created by Joshua, Phoebe and Ava were sampled by the public over 3 weeks and the winner was announced at Holy Cross Primary School on Tuesday 14th July 2015.  All three children received a certificate congratulating them on their fantastic flavours.


The winning flavour will be available at Plymouth Flavour Fest on 14th, 15th and 16th August.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children who entered this competition, we received over 100 entries.

We would also like to thank everyone who tasted the three flavours and voted for their favourite, we received over 5,000 votes.

Again, congratulations to Phoebe and Ava for coming 2nd and 3rd in the competition.

Well done Joshua for creating the winning flavour STICKY TOFFEE APPLE.