chicken pie

Made with Langage Cream, it's the ultimate comfort food - perfect for a cold january supper!

600g skinless chicken thighs
1 small carrot, halved
1 small onion, halved
1 bay leaf
25g butter
25g  plain flour
2 tbsp Langage Farm pouring Cream
100g each frozen peas and sweetcorn
2 tbsp. freshly chopped parsley
275g  ready-made shortcrust pastry
1 egg, beaten
You will also need: four 300ml  ovenproof dishes

Put chicken, carrot, onion, bay leaf  in a pan. Season as required. Cover with cold water. Bring to just under the boil, then simmer for 15-20min until cooked through.  Remove chicken with a slotted spoon and set aside. Measure 400ml poaching stock and discard the rest along with the stock vegetables.

Melt butter in a pan over a medium heat; stir in flour. Cook for 1 min, take off heat and gradually blend in reserved stock. Cook over a gentle heat, stirring, until thick. Simmer for 5min, add cream and cook for 5min.

Strip chicken meat. Stir into the sauce with peas, sweetcorn and parsley

Preheat oven to 200ºC (180ºC fan) mark 6. Roll out pastry to 3mm (½in) thick. Use the top of one 300ml ovenproof dishes as a guide and cut out four circles of pastry 2cm (¾in) larger than the diameter. Set aside.

Divide mix among the four dishes. Dampen pastry edges with water and use it to top the basins, folding it over the edges. Cut a slit in pastry to let out steam. Brush with egg. Bake for 30min until golden and filling is piping hot.

