2 Month to Fitness for £2,000

Our Managing Director Paul Winterton has launched a ‘2 months to Fitness for £2,000’ campaign.

Paul & JJ side plank web

Following Paul’s charity cycle ride to Paris 18 months ago to raise money for our local charity Jeremiah’s Journey, Paul is set for another fitness challenge for a good cause!

‘2 Months to Fitness for £2,000’ is his latest initiative with local personal trainer and fitness expert Luke Collins.  Between them, they hope to raise awareness of and funds for Jeremiah’s Journey.  The aim is to help Paul get as fit as possible in just 2 months, with a target to raise £2,000.

With Luke’s support, exercise plans and healthy eating recipes, including some of Langage’s healthy products such as low fat yogurts and cottage cheese, Paul is embarking on his biggest New Year’s Resolution to date…

paul reading recipes web

Follow Paul’s journey on Langage Farm’s #Facebook, #Twitter & Instagram pages as well as his fund raising page here.

Good Luck Paul!