London to Paris bike ride for charity!

Our Managing Director Paul Winterton and his wife Jan have signed up for the London to Paris bike ride in July in order to raise some funds for the amazing local charity Jeremiah’s Journey.

Paul and Jan wanted to do something special this year and a bike ride from London to Paris just seemed perfect.  Everyone wants to see the Eifel Tower in Paris although most couples fly there rather than ride a bike.

Please help them raise their target of £3k+ for Jeremiah’s Journey.  To support Paul and Jan go their Local Giving page here and make a donation.


We will keep you updated with their progress!

23rd February 2016

Paul and Jan had their first training session on the bikes last night, they did 12 miles.  That’s good going, however a long way off 299 miles.  I’m sure they will both do really well in July, all they need is lots of encouragement from everyone.  So please remember to sponsor them on this great challenge they have set themselves.  Remember it’s all for a great cause – Jeremiah’s Journey.

first night of training web